RISC-V Assembler Cheat Sheet
A thorough reference to 32-bit RISC-V instructions, registers, and fundamental concepts. This guide is intended for software developers working with the RISC-V assembly language and includes grouped instructions by purpose, common pseudoinstructions, and usage examples.
Table of Contents
- Arithmetic Instructions
- Bitwise Logic Instructions
- Shift Instructions
- Load Immediate Instructions
- Load and Store Instructions
- Jump and Function Instructions
- Branch Instructions
- Set Instructions
- Counter Instructions
- Miscellaneous Instructions
- Instruction Terminology
- RV32 ABI Registers
- RISC-V Concepts
- Usage Examples
Arithmetic Instructions
Arithmetic operations perform basic mathematical computations.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
add |
Add | add rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 + rs2 |
Arithmetic |
addi |
Add Immediate | addi rd, rs1, imm |
rd = rs1 + imm |
Arithmetic |
neg |
Negate (pseudoinstruction) | neg rd, rs2 |
rd = -rs2 |
Arithmetic |
sub |
Subtract | sub rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 - rs2 |
Arithmetic |
mul |
Multiply | mul rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = (rs1 * rs2)[31:0] |
Multiply |
mulh |
Multiply High | mulh rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = (rs1 * rs2)[63:32] |
Multiply |
mulhu |
Multiply High Unsigned | mulhu rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = (rs1 * rs2)[63:32] |
Multiply |
mulhsu |
Multiply High Signed Unsigned | mulhsu rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = (rs1 * rs2)[63:32] |
Multiply |
div |
Divide | div rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 / rs2 |
Divide |
rem |
Remainder | rem rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 % rs2 |
Divide |
- Use addi
for subtracting with an immediate value: addi rd, rs1, -imm
- Multiply and divide instructions require the M extension.
addi t0, t1, 10 # t0 = t1 + 10
sub t2, t0, t1 # t2 = t0 - t1
mul t3, t2, t1 # t3 = t2 * t1
Bitwise Logic Instructions
Perform logical operations on binary data.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
and |
Logical AND | and rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 & rs2 |
Logical |
andi |
AND Immediate | andi rd, rs1, imm |
rd = rs1 & imm |
Logical |
not |
Logical NOT (pseudoinstruction) | not rd, rs1 |
rd = ~rs1 |
Logical |
or |
Logical OR | or rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 | rs2 |
Logical |
ori |
OR Immediate | ori rd, rs1, imm |
rd = rs1 | imm |
Logical |
xor |
Logical XOR | xor rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 ^ rs2 |
Logical |
xori |
XOR Immediate | xori rd, rs1, imm |
rd = rs1 ^ imm |
Logical |
and t0, t1, t2 # t0 = t1 & t2
ori t3, t0, 0xFF # t3 = t0 | 0xFF
not t4, t3 # t4 = ~t3
Shift Instructions
Handle bitwise shifting operations.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
sll |
Shift Left Logical | sll rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 << rs2 |
Shift |
slli |
Shift Left Logical Immediate | slli rd, rs1, imm |
rd = rs1 << imm |
Shift |
srl |
Shift Right Logical | srl rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 >> rs2 |
Shift |
srli |
Shift Right Logical Immediate | srli rd, rs1, imm |
rd = rs1 >> imm |
Shift |
sra |
Shift Right Arithmetic | sra rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = rs1 >>> rs2 |
Shift |
srai |
Shift Right Arithmetic Immediate | srai rd, rs1, imm |
rd = rs1 >>> imm |
Shift |
slli t0, t1, 2 # t0 = t1 << 2
srli t2, t0, 1 # t2 = t0 >> 1
sra t3, t2, t1 # t3 = t2 >>> t1
Load Immediate Instructions
Load immediate values into registers.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
li |
Load Immediate (pseudoinstruction) | li rd, imm |
rd = imm |
Arithmetic |
lui |
Load Upper Immediate | lui rd, imm |
rd = imm << 12 |
Arithmetic |
auipc |
Add Upper Immediate to PC | auipc rd, imm |
rd = pc + (imm << 12) |
Branch |
li t0, 100 # t0 = 100
lui t1, 0x1F # t1 = 0x1F000
auipc t2, 0x10 # t2 = pc + 0x10000
Load and Store Instructions
Manage data movement between registers and memory.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
lw |
Load Word | lw rd, imm(rs1) |
rd = mem[rs1 + imm] |
Load |
lh |
Load Half | lh rd, imm(rs1) |
rd = mem[rs1 + imm][0:15] |
Load |
lhu |
Load Half Unsigned | lhu rd, imm(rs1) |
rd = mem[rs1 + imm][0:15] |
Load |
lb |
Load Byte | lb rd, imm(rs1) |
rd = mem[rs1 + imm][0:7] |
Load |
lbu |
Load Byte Unsigned | lbu rd, imm(rs1) |
rd = mem[rs1 + imm][0:7] |
Load |
la |
Load Symbol Address (pseudoinstruction) | la rd, symbol |
rd = &symbol |
Load |
sw |
Store Word | sw rs2, imm(rs1) |
mem[rs1 + imm] = rs2 |
Store |
sh |
Store Half | sh rs2, imm(rs1) |
mem[rs1 + imm][0:15] = rs2 |
Store |
sb |
Store Byte | sb rs2, imm(rs1) |
mem[rs1 + imm][0:7] = rs2 |
Store |
lw t0, 0(sp) # t0 = mem[sp + 0]
sw t1, 4(sp) # mem[sp + 4] = t1
la t2, data_label # t2 = address of data_label
Jump and Function Instructions
Control the flow of the program through jumps and function calls.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
j |
Jump (pseudoinstruction) | j imm |
pc += imm |
Jump |
jal |
Jump and Link | jal rd, imm |
rd = pc + 4; pc += imm |
Jump |
jalr |
Jump and Link Register | jalr rd, rs1, imm |
rd = pc + 4; pc = rs1 + imm |
Jump |
call |
Call Function (pseudoinstruction) | call symbol |
ra = pc + 4; pc = &symbol |
Function |
ret |
Return from Function (pseudoinstruction) | ret |
pc = ra |
Function |
Notes: - Labels can be used in place of immediate values for jump instructions.
jal ra, function_label # Jump to function_label and store return address in ra
call main # Call the main function
ret # Return from the current function
Branch Instructions
Conditional branching based on comparisons.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
beq |
Branch Equal | beq rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 == rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
beqz |
Branch Equal Zero (pseudoinstruction) | beqz rs1, imm |
if(rs1 == 0) pc += imm |
Branch |
bne |
Branch Not Equal | bne rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 ≠ rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
bnez |
Branch Not Equal Zero (pseudoinstruction) | bnez rs1, imm |
if(rs1 ≠ 0) pc += imm |
Branch |
blt |
Branch Less Than | blt rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 < rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
bltu |
Branch Less Than Unsigned | bltu rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 < rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
bltz |
Branch Less Than Zero (pseudoinstruction) | bltz rs1, imm |
if(rs1 < 0) pc += imm |
Branch |
bgt |
Branch Greater Than (pseudoinstruction) | bgt rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 > rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
bgtu |
Branch Greater Than Unsigned (pseudoinstruction) | bgtu rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 > rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
bgtz |
Branch Greater Than Zero (pseudoinstruction) | bgtz rs1, imm |
if(rs1 > 0) pc += imm |
Branch |
ble |
Branch Less or Equal (pseudoinstruction) | ble rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 ≤ rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
bleu |
Branch Less or Equal Unsigned (pseudoinstruction) | bleu rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 ≤ rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
blez |
Branch Less or Equal Zero (pseudoinstruction) | blez rs1, imm |
if(rs1 ≤ 0) pc += imm |
Branch |
bge |
Branch Greater or Equal | bge rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 ≥ rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
bgeu |
Branch Greater or Equal Unsigned | bgeu rs1, rs2, imm |
if(rs1 ≥ rs2) pc += imm |
Branch |
bgez |
Branch Greater or Equal Zero (pseudoinstruction) | bgez rs1, imm |
if(rs1 ≥ 0) pc += imm |
Branch |
Notes: - Labels can be used in place of immediate values for branch instructions.
beq t0, t1, equal_label # If t0 == t1, jump to equal_label
bnez t2, not_zero_label # If t2 != 0, jump to not_zero_label
blt t3, t4, less_than_label # If t3 < t4, jump to less_than_label
Set Instructions
Set register values based on comparisons.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
slt |
Set Less Than | slt rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = (rs1 < rs2) |
Set |
slti |
Set Less Than Immediate | slti rd, rs1, imm |
rd = (rs1 < imm) |
Set |
sltu |
Set Less Than Unsigned | sltu rd, rs1, rs2 |
rd = (rs1 < rs2) |
Set |
sltiu |
Set Less Than Immediate Unsigned | sltiu rd, rs1, imm |
rd = (rs1 < imm) |
Set |
seqz |
Set Equal Zero (pseudoinstruction) | seqz rd, rs1 |
rd = (rs1 == 0) |
Set |
snez |
Set Not Equal Zero (pseudoinstruction) | snez rd, rs1 |
rd = (rs1 ≠ 0) |
Set |
sltz |
Set Less Than Zero (pseudoinstruction) | sltz rd, rs1 |
rd = (rs1 < 0) |
Set |
sgtz |
Set Greater Than Zero (pseudoinstruction) | sgtz rd, rs1 |
rd = (rs1 > 0) |
Set |
slt t0, t1, t2 # t0 = (t1 < t2)
slti t3, t0, 5 # t3 = (t0 < 5)
seqz t4, t3 # t4 = (t3 == 0)
Counter Instructions
Access CPU cycle and instruction counters. Note: These instructions require the Zicntr and Zicsr extensions and are not yet available in all implementations.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
rdcycle |
CPU Cycle Count (pseudoinstruction) | rdcycle rd |
rd = csr_cycle[31:0] |
Not Available |
rdcycleh |
CPU Cycle Count High (pseudoinstruction) | rdcycleh rd |
rd = csr_cycle[63:32] |
Not Available |
rdtime |
Current Time (pseudoinstruction) | rdtime rd |
rd = csr_time[31:0] |
Not Available |
rdtimeh |
Current Time High (pseudoinstruction) | rdtimeh rd |
rd = csr_time[63:32] |
Not Available |
rdinstret |
CPU Instructions Retired (pseudoinstruction) | rdinstret rd |
rd = csr_instret[31:0] |
Not Available |
rdinstreth |
CPU Instructions Retired High (pseudoinstruction) | rdinstreth rd |
rd = csr_instret[63:32] |
Not Available |
Miscellaneous Instructions
Additional instructions for various purposes.
Instruction | Description | Usage | Result | Guide |
ebreak |
Environment Break (Debugger Call) | ebreak |
- | Not Available |
ecall |
Environment Call (OS Function) | ecall |
- | Not Available |
fence |
I/O Ordering | fence |
- | Not Available |
mv |
Copy Register (pseudoinstruction) | mv rd, rs1 |
rd = rs1 |
Arithmetic |
nop |
No Operation (pseudoinstruction) | nop |
- | Arithmetic |
- The fence
instruction requires the Zifencei extension.
mv t0, t1 # t0 = t1
nop # No operation
ecall # Environment call
Instruction Terminology
Understanding the terminology used in RISC-V assembly instructions.
Term | Description |
imm |
Immediate value (normally sign-extended) |
mem |
Memory |
(p) |
Pseudoinstruction |
pc |
Program counter |
pc+4 |
Next instruction on RV32 |
ra |
Return address register (x1) |
rd |
Destination register |
rs1 |
First source register |
rs2 |
Second source register |
symbol |
Symbol (may be a label in assembly) |
RV32 ABI Registers
Overview of the ABI (Application Binary Interface) registers for RV32.
ABI Name | Register | Description | Preserved |
zero |
x0 |
Always 0 (zero) | N/A |
ra |
x1 |
Return address | No |
sp |
x2 |
Stack pointer | Yes |
gp |
x3 |
Global pointer* | N/A |
tp |
x4 |
Thread pointer* | N/A |
t0 |
x5 |
Temporary | No |
t1 |
x6 |
Temporary | No |
t2 |
x7 |
Temporary | No |
fp (s0) |
x8 |
Frame pointer† | Yes |
s1 |
x9 |
Saved register | Yes |
a0 |
x10 |
Function argument‡ | No |
a1 |
x11 |
Function argument‡ | No |
a2 |
x12 |
Function argument | No |
a3 |
x13 |
Function argument | No |
a4 |
x14 |
Function argument | No |
a5 |
x15 |
Function argument | No |
a6 |
x16 |
Function argument | No |
a7 |
x17 |
Function argument | No |
s2 |
x18 |
Saved register | Yes |
s3 |
x19 |
Saved register | Yes |
s4 |
x20 |
Saved register | Yes |
s5 |
x21 |
Saved register | Yes |
s6 |
x22 |
Saved register | Yes |
s7 |
x23 |
Saved register | Yes |
s8 |
x24 |
Saved register | Yes |
s9 |
x25 |
Saved register | Yes |
s10 |
x26 |
Saved register | Yes |
s11 |
x27 |
Saved register | Yes |
t3 |
x28 |
Temporary | No |
t4 |
x29 |
Temporary | No |
t5 |
x30 |
Temporary | No |
t6 |
x31 |
Temporary | No |
- * Let the compiler/linker use the global gp
and thread tp
pointers; ignore them in your own code.
- † The frame pointer fp
supports local variables but can be used as a regular saved register.
- ‡ Argument registers a0
and a1
also handle the function return value.
RISC-V Concepts
Key concepts to understand when working with RISC-V assembly:
- Extensions: RISC-V is modular, allowing for different extensions (e.g., M for Multiply/Divide, A for Atomic, etc.) to add functionality.
- Base Instruction Set: This cheat sheet focuses on the base integer instruction set (RV32I).
- Pseudoinstructions: These are simplified instructions that are translated into one or more actual RISC-V instructions by the assembler.
Usage Examples
Below are examples demonstrating how to use various RISC-V instructions in assembly code.
Example 1: Simple Arithmetic Operations
.section .text
.globl main
li t0, 10 # Load immediate 10 into t0
li t1, 20 # Load immediate 20 into t1
add t2, t0, t1 # t2 = t0 + t1 (30)
sub t3, t1, t0 # t3 = t1 - t0 (10)
mul t4, t2, t3 # t4 = t2 * t3 (300)
ecall # Exit program
Example 2: Branching Based on Comparison
.section .text
.globl main
li t0, 5 # t0 = 5
li t1, 10 # t1 = 10
blt t0, t1, less_than_label # If t0 < t1, jump to less_than_label
j end_label # Else, jump to end_label
li a0, 1 # Set a0 to 1 (indicating true)
j end_label
li a0, 0 # Set a0 to 0 (indicating false)
ecall # Exit program
Example 3: Function Call and Return
.section .text
.globl main
jal ra, function_label # Jump to function_label and save return address
li a0, 0 # Set return value to 0
ecall # Exit program
addi sp, sp, -16 # Allocate stack space
sw ra, 12(sp) # Save return address
li t0, 42 # Perform some operations
lw ra, 12(sp) # Restore return address
addi sp, sp, 16 # Deallocate stack space
jalr ra, 0(ra) # Return to caller
Additional Resources
This cheat sheet covers the base integer instruction set (RV32I) and some standard extensions. Make sure to consult the official RISC-V documentation for comprehensive information and updates.