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Operating System Development Roadmap (Beginner Path)

How to Follow?

Phase 1: Programming Fundamentals

1.1 C Programming Basics

1.2 Intermediate C Programming

1.3 Advanced C Programming

1.4 Data Structures

1.5 Assembly Language Basics

Phase 2: Computer Architecture

2.1 Basic Computer Organization

2.2 I/O Systems

Phase 3: Operating System Concepts

3.1 OS Basics

3.2 Memory Management

Phase 4: OS Development Basics

4.1 Development Environment

4.2 Bootloader Development

4.3 Basic Kernel Development

Beginner Projects (In Order)

  1. Hello World in Assembly
  2. Assembly Hello World

  3. Basic Bootloader

  4. Bootloader Tutorial

  5. Simple Kernel

  6. Bare Bones

  7. Memory Management

  8. Writing a PMM

  9. Basic Shell

  10. Writing a Shell

Online Courses

  1. CS50: Introduction to Computer Science
  2. Nand2Tetris
  3. Introduction to Operating Systems by Georgia Tech
  4. MIT OCW 6.828: Operating System Engineering


  1. "C Programming Language" by Kernighan and Ritchie
  2. "Modern Operating Systems" by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
  3. "Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces" by Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau
  4. "Computer Organization and Design" by Patterson and Hennessy
  5. "Operating System Concepts" by Silberschatz, Galvin, and Gagne

Research Papers

  1. "The Evolution of Operating Systems"
  2. "Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager"
  3. "The Design of the Unix Operating System"
  4. "An Overview of the Singularity Project"
  5. "Interrupts and Interrupt Handling"

Additional Resources

Community Resources

Development Tools

  1. Text Editors/IDEs
  2. Visual Studio Code with C/C++ extension
  3. Eclipse CDT
  4. CLion

  5. Debugging Tools

  6. GDB
  7. BOCHS Debugger
  8. QEMU Monitor

  9. Build Tools

  10. Make
  11. CMake

  13. Testing Tools

  14. Unit Testing Frameworks
  15. QEMU for OS Testing
  16. VirtualBox for Testing

Next Steps After Completion

  1. Study existing OS codebases
  2. Contribute to open-source OS projects
  3. Explore advanced topics:
  4. Real-time operating systems
  5. Embedded systems
  6. Distributed systems