File System Structure focuses on how directories organize and manage files in a hierarchical manner. This comprehensive guide explores directory structures, their implementation, and management techniques that form the backbone of modern file systems.
Core concepts of directory structures:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 255
#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 4096
#define MAX_ENTRIES 1000
typedef enum EntryType {
} EntryType;
typedef struct DirectoryEntry {
char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
EntryType type;
size_t size;
time_t created_time;
time_t modified_time;
mode_t permissions;
ino_t inode_number;
struct DirectoryEntry *parent;
} DirectoryEntry;
typedef struct Directory {
DirectoryEntry *entries;
size_t entry_count;
size_t capacity;
char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
} Directory;
// Create a new directory structure
Directory* create_directory(const char *path) {
Directory *dir = malloc(sizeof(Directory));
if (!dir) return NULL;
dir->entries = malloc(sizeof(DirectoryEntry) * MAX_ENTRIES);
if (!dir->entries) {
return NULL;
dir->entry_count = 0;
dir->capacity = MAX_ENTRIES;
strncpy(dir->path, path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1);
// Create "." and ".." entries
DirectoryEntry *current = &dir->entries[dir->entry_count++];
strncpy(current->name, ".", MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
current->type = ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
current->created_time = time(NULL);
current->modified_time = current->created_time;
current->parent = NULL;
DirectoryEntry *parent = &dir->entries[dir->entry_count++];
strncpy(parent->name, "..", MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
parent->type = ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY;
parent->created_time = time(NULL);
parent->modified_time = parent->created_time;
parent->parent = NULL;
return dir;
// Add entry to directory
int add_directory_entry(Directory *dir, const char *name, EntryType type) {
if (!dir || !name || dir->entry_count >= dir->capacity) {
return -1;
DirectoryEntry *entry = &dir->entries[dir->entry_count];
strncpy(entry->name, name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH - 1);
entry->type = type;
entry->created_time = time(NULL);
entry->modified_time = entry->created_time;
entry->parent = &dir->entries[0]; // Point to "." entry
return 0;
// Find entry in directory
DirectoryEntry* find_entry(Directory *dir, const char *name) {
if (!dir || !name) return NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dir->entry_count; i++) {
if (strcmp(dir->entries[i].name, name) == 0) {
return &dir->entries[i];
return NULL;
Implementation of different directory organization methods:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// Linear List Implementation
typedef struct LinearDirectory {
DirectoryEntry *entries;
size_t count;
} LinearDirectory;
// Hash Table Implementation
#define HASH_SIZE 1024
typedef struct HashNode {
DirectoryEntry entry;
struct HashNode *next;
} HashNode;
typedef struct HashDirectory {
HashNode *buckets[HASH_SIZE];
} HashDirectory;
// B-Tree Implementation
#define BTREE_ORDER 5
typedef struct BTreeNode {
DirectoryEntry *entries[BTREE_ORDER - 1];
struct BTreeNode *children[BTREE_ORDER];
int count;
int leaf;
} BTreeNode;
typedef struct BTreeDirectory {
BTreeNode *root;
} BTreeDirectory;
// Hash function for directory entries
unsigned int hash_function(const char *name) {
unsigned int hash = 0;
while (*name) {
hash = (hash * 31) + *name;
return hash % HASH_SIZE;
// Hash Directory Implementation
HashDirectory* create_hash_directory() {
HashDirectory *dir = malloc(sizeof(HashDirectory));
if (!dir) return NULL;
memset(dir->buckets, 0, sizeof(dir->buckets));
return dir;
int hash_directory_insert(HashDirectory *dir, DirectoryEntry entry) {
if (!dir) return -1;
unsigned int hash = hash_function(;
HashNode *node = malloc(sizeof(HashNode));
if (!node) return -1;
node->entry = entry;
node->next = dir->buckets[hash];
dir->buckets[hash] = node;
return 0;
DirectoryEntry* hash_directory_lookup(HashDirectory *dir, const char *name) {
if (!dir || !name) return NULL;
unsigned int hash = hash_function(name);
HashNode *current = dir->buckets[hash];
while (current) {
if (strcmp(current->, name) == 0) {
return ¤t->entry;
current = current->next;
return NULL;
Implementation of path resolution:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define PATH_SEPARATOR "/"
typedef struct PathComponent {
char *name;
struct PathComponent *next;
} PathComponent;
// Split path into components
PathComponent* split_path(const char *path) {
if (!path) return NULL;
PathComponent *head = NULL;
PathComponent *current = NULL;
char *path_copy = strdup(path);
char *token = strtok(path_copy, PATH_SEPARATOR);
while (token) {
PathComponent *component = malloc(sizeof(PathComponent));
if (!component) {
// Handle memory allocation failure
return NULL;
component->name = strdup(token);
component->next = NULL;
if (!head) {
head = component;
current = component;
} else {
current->next = component;
current = component;
token = strtok(NULL, PATH_SEPARATOR);
return head;
// Resolve path to directory entry
DirectoryEntry* resolve_path(Directory *root, const char *path) {
if (!root || !path) return NULL;
// Handle root directory case
if (strcmp(path, "/") == 0) {
return &root->entries[0]; // Return "." entry of root
PathComponent *components = split_path(path);
if (!components) return NULL;
Directory *current_dir = root;
DirectoryEntry *current_entry = &root->entries[0];
PathComponent *component = components;
while (component) {
DirectoryEntry *entry = find_entry(current_dir, component->name);
if (!entry) {
// Path component not found
return NULL;
if (entry->type != ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY && component->next) {
// Not a directory but more components follow
return NULL;
current_entry = entry;
if (component->next) {
// Load next directory
current_dir = load_directory(entry); // Implementation needed
component = component->next;
return current_entry;
Implementation of common directory operations:
#include <errno.h>
typedef struct DirectoryOperations {
int (*create)(const char *path, mode_t mode);
int (*remove)(const char *path);
int (*rename)(const char *old_path, const char *new_path);
DirectoryEntry* (*lookup)(const char *path);
int (*list)(const char *path, DirectoryEntry **entries, size_t *count);
} DirectoryOperations;
// Implementation of directory operations
int create_directory_impl(const char *path, mode_t mode) {
Directory *parent = get_parent_directory(path);
if (!parent) {
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
char *name = get_basename(path);
if (find_entry(parent, name)) {
errno = EEXIST;
return -1;
Directory *new_dir = create_directory(path);
if (!new_dir) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return -1;
return add_directory_entry(parent, name, ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY);
int remove_directory_impl(const char *path) {
Directory *dir = resolve_directory(path);
if (!dir) {
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
if (dir->entry_count > 2) { // More than "." and ".."
errno = ENOTEMPTY;
return -1;
Directory *parent = get_parent_directory(path);
if (!parent) {
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
char *name = get_basename(path);
return remove_directory_entry(parent, name);
Implementation of directory tree operations:
typedef struct DirectoryTree {
Directory *root;
size_t total_directories;
size_t total_files;
} DirectoryTree;
DirectoryTree* create_directory_tree() {
DirectoryTree *tree = malloc(sizeof(DirectoryTree));
if (!tree) return NULL;
tree->root = create_directory("/");
if (!tree->root) {
return NULL;
tree->total_directories = 1;
tree->total_files = 0;
return tree;
// Recursive directory traversal
void traverse_directory_tree(Directory *dir, void (*callback)(DirectoryEntry*)) {
if (!dir || !callback) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dir->entry_count; i++) {
DirectoryEntry *entry = &dir->entries[i];
if (entry->type == ENTRY_TYPE_DIRECTORY &&
strcmp(entry->name, ".") != 0 &&
strcmp(entry->name, "..") != 0) {
Directory *subdir = load_directory(entry);
if (subdir) {
traverse_directory_tree(subdir, callback);
#include <time.h>
#define CACHE_SIZE 1024
typedef struct DirectoryCache {
struct {
char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
Directory *directory;
time_t last_access;
int dirty;
} entries[CACHE_SIZE];
size_t count;
} DirectoryCache;
DirectoryCache* create_directory_cache() {
DirectoryCache *cache = malloc(sizeof(DirectoryCache));
if (cache) {
memset(cache, 0, sizeof(DirectoryCache));
return cache;
Directory* cache_lookup(DirectoryCache *cache, const char *path) {
if (!cache || !path) return NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cache->count; i++) {
if (strcmp(cache->entries[i].path, path) == 0) {
cache->entries[i].last_access = time(NULL);
return cache->entries[i].directory;
return NULL;
int cache_insert(DirectoryCache *cache, const char *path, Directory *dir) {
if (!cache || !path || !dir) return -1;
// Evict least recently used entry if cache is full
if (cache->count >= CACHE_SIZE) {
size_t lru_index = 0;
time_t oldest_time = cache->entries[0].last_access;
for (size_t i = 1; i < CACHE_SIZE; i++) {
if (cache->entries[i].last_access < oldest_time) {
oldest_time = cache->entries[i].last_access;
lru_index = i;
// Flush dirty entry before eviction
if (cache->entries[lru_index].dirty) {
size_t index = cache->count++;
strncpy(cache->entries[index].path, path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1);
cache->entries[index].directory = dir;
cache->entries[index].last_access = time(NULL);
cache->entries[index].dirty = 0;
return 0;
Implementation of directory access control:
typedef struct AccessControl {
uid_t owner;
gid_t group;
mode_t permissions;
} AccessControl;
int check_directory_access(Directory *dir, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, int desired_access) {
if (!dir) return -1;
AccessControl *acl = &dir->entries[0].access_control;
// Owner access
if (uid == acl->owner) {
if ((desired_access & R_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IRUSR)) return -1;
if ((desired_access & W_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IWUSR)) return -1;
if ((desired_access & X_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IXUSR)) return -1;
return 0;
// Group access
if (gid == acl->group) {
if ((desired_access & R_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IRGRP)) return -1;
if ((desired_access & W_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IWGRP)) return -1;
if ((desired_access & X_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IXGRP)) return -1;
return 0;
// Others access
if ((desired_access & R_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IROTH)) return -1;
if ((desired_access & W_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IWOTH)) return -1;
if ((desired_access & X_OK) && !(acl->permissions & S_IXOTH)) return -1;
return 0;
// Extended Access Control List implementation
typedef struct ACLEntry {
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
mode_t permissions;
struct ACLEntry *next;
} ACLEntry;
typedef struct ExtendedACL {
ACLEntry *entries;
size_t count;
} ExtendedACL;
int add_acl_entry(ExtendedACL *acl, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, mode_t permissions) {
ACLEntry *entry = malloc(sizeof(ACLEntry));
if (!entry) return -1;
entry->uid = uid;
entry->gid = gid;
entry->permissions = permissions;
entry->next = acl->entries;
acl->entries = entry;
return 0;
int check_extended_access(ExtendedACL *acl, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, int desired_access) {
ACLEntry *current = acl->entries;
while (current) {
if (current->uid == uid || current->gid == gid) {
if ((desired_access & R_OK) && !(current->permissions & S_IRUSR)) return -1;
if ((desired_access & W_OK) && !(current->permissions & S_IWUSR)) return -1;
if ((desired_access & X_OK) && !(current->permissions & S_IXUSR)) return -1;
return 0;
current = current->next;
return -1;
Implementation of directory recovery systems:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct DirectoryJournalEntry {
enum {
} operation;
char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
DirectoryEntry entry;
time_t timestamp;
} DirectoryJournalEntry;
typedef struct DirectoryJournal {
DirectoryJournalEntry *entries;
size_t capacity;
size_t count;
FILE *journal_file;
} DirectoryJournal;
DirectoryJournal* create_journal(const char *journal_path) {
DirectoryJournal *journal = malloc(sizeof(DirectoryJournal));
if (!journal) return NULL;
journal->entries = malloc(sizeof(DirectoryJournalEntry) * 1000);
if (!journal->entries) {
return NULL;
journal->capacity = 1000;
journal->count = 0;
journal->journal_file = fopen(journal_path, "a+b");
return journal;
int log_directory_operation(DirectoryJournal *journal,
int operation,
const char *path,
DirectoryEntry *entry) {
if (journal->count >= journal->capacity) {
// Flush oldest entries to disk
DirectoryJournalEntry *j_entry = &journal->entries[journal->count++];
j_entry->operation = operation;
strncpy(j_entry->path, path, MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1);
if (entry) {
j_entry->entry = *entry;
j_entry->timestamp = time(NULL);
// Write to journal file immediately
fwrite(j_entry, sizeof(DirectoryJournalEntry), 1, journal->journal_file);
return 0;
int recover_directory_state(DirectoryJournal *journal, Directory *dir) {
// Read journal from disk
fseek(journal->journal_file, 0, SEEK_SET);
DirectoryJournalEntry entry;
while (fread(&entry, sizeof(DirectoryJournalEntry), 1, journal->journal_file) == 1) {
switch (entry.operation) {
add_directory_entry(dir,, entry.entry.type);
update_directory_entry(dir, &entry.entry);
return 0;
Complete working example of a directory system:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
typedef struct DirectorySystem {
DirectoryTree *tree;
DirectoryCache *cache;
DirectoryJournal *journal;
DirectoryOperations ops;
} DirectorySystem;
DirectorySystem* create_directory_system(const char *root_path) {
DirectorySystem *system = malloc(sizeof(DirectorySystem));
if (!system) return NULL;
system->tree = create_directory_tree();
system->cache = create_directory_cache();
system->journal = create_journal("directory.journal");
if (!system->tree || !system->cache || !system->journal) {
// Cleanup and return NULL
if (system->tree) free(system->tree);
if (system->cache) free(system->cache);
if (system->journal) free(system->journal);
return NULL;
// Initialize operations
system->ops.create = create_directory_impl;
system->ops.remove = remove_directory_impl;
system->ops.rename = rename_directory_impl;
system->ops.lookup = lookup_directory_impl;
system->ops.list = list_directory_impl;
return system;
// Example usage
int main() {
DirectorySystem *sys = create_directory_system("/root");
if (!sys) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create directory system\n");
return 1;
// Create a directory
if (sys->ops.create("/root/test", 0755) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create directory: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
// List directory contents
DirectoryEntry *entries;
size_t count;
if (sys->ops.list("/root", &entries, &count) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to list directory: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return 1;
// Print directory contents
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
printf("%s\n", entries[i].name);
return 0;
typedef struct DirectoryStats {
size_t cache_hits;
size_t cache_misses;
size_t total_operations;
struct timespec total_lookup_time;
struct timespec total_create_time;
struct timespec total_delete_time;
} DirectoryStats;
void update_stats(DirectoryStats *stats, struct timespec start, struct timespec end,
int operation_type) {
struct timespec diff;
diff.tv_sec = end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec;
diff.tv_nsec = end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;
if (diff.tv_nsec < 0) {
diff.tv_nsec += 1000000000L;
switch (operation_type) {
timespec_add(&stats->total_lookup_time, &diff);
timespec_add(&stats->total_create_time, &diff);
timespec_add(&stats->total_delete_time, &diff);
Directory structures are fundamental to file system organization and management. The implementations provided demonstrate the complexity and considerations required for building robust directory systems, including caching, journaling, and security mechanisms.
[Next: Day 27 - File Allocation Methods]